
Einstein Afterlife is not the cheapest provider for Basic Wills.


If you are looking for a cheap Will we recommend www.freewills.co.uk who can help you write your Will for free.

Service Single


(2 Wills)

 Basic Will  £450  £600
 Advanced Will  £1,500 £1,800

 Lasting Power

 of Attorney (LPA)


+OPG Fee


All fees include applicable VAT.


The Couple fee includes two Wills with matching instructions, ordered at the same time.


OPG Fee is the statutory fee of £82 charged by the Office of the Public Guardian for registering an LPA.

If a cost-effective, straightforward Basic Will is what you're after, then we suggest checking out www.freewills.co.uk. Their user-friendly platform allows you to draft your own Will free of charge in around 10 minutes.


However, a self-drafted Will might have its limitations, especially when it comes to safeguarding your family's assets against external challenges like Inheritance Tax, relationship breakdowns, or care home fees.


At Einstein Afterlife, our Advanced Will incorporates multiple trusts designed to shield and preserve your family's wealth for numerous generations.  Based on our experience, the potential long-term savings often exceed £100,000.


As a rough indicator, if your direct family lineage* collectively possesses assets exceeding £1 million, an investment in an Advanced Will is likely a wise decision.


If you believe that safeguarding a lifetime of financial achievements warrants more than a 10-minute, £0 investment, contact us to delve deeper and assess your individual situation.



*grandparents, parents, you, your spouse, children and grandchildren